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Anniversaries and Snow

Next month, my husband and I will be celebrating our four years of wedded bliss. Because of his work schedule, we had to squeeze a vacation in a month early. No complaining here! We had been planning for a while, and finally decided on dates and lodging. After getting everything for our stay booked, we focused on plane tickets. Boy, those can get pricey!

After much contemplation, we chose to drive the thirteen hours up to the beautiful Rocky Mountains in Colorado. The drive there wasn't so bad. The views were spectacular and my husband and I traded off every few hours so we didn't get burned out too quickly.

I am so jealous of those with this view every day! We left very early in the morning. By 3:30 AM, we were on the road. After a few trade offs, some stops for refueling and food, and a Walmart stop, we made it to the cabin at 6:30. The cabin we had chosen was nestled in the Rocky Mountains, and honestly, was terrifying to get to in the dark, but boy were the views perfect. 

The weather was a little crazy, so we weren't able to do as much as we had hoped, but the trip could not have gone any better. My husband and I were able to spend some quality time nestled into beautiful scenery. We were able to drive and see the scenery, get a couples massage, have an anniversary lunch, grill steaks, visit the Horsetooth Trails, and relax in the hot tub. By the end of the trip, I didn't want to leave!
Unfortunately, the trip back was nerve-wracking. Of all of the weekends that it could have been on, a freak ice storm decided to rain on our parade. Halfway through our trip, the roads were pure ice. Not snow and ice, just ice. We were gliding here and there, and for miles, we had to slow down to 20 mph. The trip back took sixteen, yes SIXTEEN, hours. Needless to say, that nigh was the best sleep I have gotten in a while.

We will still be doing something on our anniversary day, but nothing extravagant. Without further adieu, pictures from our trip!


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