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How to Keep New Years Resolutions

After having our son three years ago, I have wanted to lose weight. During my pregnancy, I gained 60 pounds. Great American Cookie everyday during pregnancy sounded like a good idea at the time, but I'm still paying for it. And paying for it. I don't have much self control these days, and it doesn't help that my husband spoils me.

For me, 2014 was a year of ifs. If I just lose this weight, I'll be happy. If I just gain self control, I can do many things. If I just spend more time cleaning, everything would stay clean. I've learned that, for the most part, ifs aren't what changes you. I can't gain self control by telling myself "if" this. So, with the start of 2015, I'm to change those "ifs" to "whens," and I'll change my wants to reasons.  When I lose the weight, I will be healthier. When I learn to respect myself, I'll be happy. When I regain my self control, I will teach my son healthier ways

You see, I was going about 2014 all wrong. I was being selfish, putting wants before reasons and needs. My son makes me happy, my husband makes me happy, not obsessing about weight loss. Not telling myself every week that I'll restart that weight loss routine or I'll clean that up tomorrow. I was eating anything and everything. That's not entirely a bad thing. I was able to enjoy new foods, new cooking methods, test out new meals that my family would enjoy. But, allowing myself to eat unhealthy foods was not teaching my family how to respect themselves. My son would skip meals because he knew I would cave in and give him those chips "just this once." We would all eat healthy, so why not go reward that one day of healthy eating with some ice cream? Now I ask myself, how is my son supposed to learn self control if he never sees it from his mother? How am I supposed to teach him self respect if I don't respect myself? 

2015, you will be a better year than 2014. Not just for myself, but for my marriage. For my family. For my son. I vow to start respecting myself, to start showing my family how to be happy. Not from any materialistic things, but from love and respect for one another. Not only is my new years resolution to lose weight, that's everyone's, but it is also to become a better me. 

So, without further ado, this list is what I have come up with to help myself with my resolutions for 2015. 

How to Keep Those New Years Resolutions

Create Those Lists 

If there's one thing that I learned from this past year is that you need to be organized to get anything done. I've gotten to things at later times than I should have because I didn't prepare myself for them. Seek out those printables that will aid in everyday life. Look on Pinterest, find new ways of creating lists. The picture above will send you to the website that created the printables above, go check it out! Get organized with those shopping lists!

Stay Focused

If you are completing anything without focus, you risk the final project being sub par. There are at least three projects that I didn't finish for the blog in 2014 because I wasn't focused. Before I would finish one project, I would move onto the next. I wasn't just focusing on one, I was putting my attention to multiple projects. I have found simple ways to remain focused recently. The way that has deemed itself most helpful is what I call early morning focus. I start off the morning before my son wakes up. I grab myself some coffee, focus on myself for a few moments, and then begin focusing on tasks that need to be completed that day. In those first moments of quiet, I am able to make a game plan for the day, and sometimes, the week.

Set Goals

Now this one and the one before go hand in hand. Without goals, there is nothing to focus on, and without focus, you can't complete those goals. But, I promise, they are separate. I have already set a long term goal for the new year, which in turn will allow me to keep my resolution. My first goal is to complete a half marathon before years end. In doing this, I will be training, which will allow me to lose that weight that I have been wanting to lose. I have chosen to run in the Disney Wine and Dine set in November. This will give me almost an entire year to train. Plus, who wouldn't love getting wine while they run, I mean, a mother's dream right there! I have also set smaller goals for myself, such as post at least eight posts each month in 2015. Because of this, I have made lists of posts that I want to create. This goes back to the first part of how to keep resolutions. Seeing a pattern here? (They're all linked together)

Respect Yourself

Perhaps the most important on the list is self respect. How are we to complete anything if we don't respect ourselves? How am I supposed to finish that race if I don't tell myself that I can do it? I can't. Now, it doesn't have to be the cliche "You can do it," speech. It can be something as simple as buying a new workout top or even a whole new wardrobe. Feeling good about yourself. Loving yourself. Pointing out the positives, that's respecting yourself. Don't look for those flaws. Of course you have flaws. We ALL have flaws, and I'm not going to lie, I've dwelled on those flaws many o' times. But in order to respect yourself, you have to first accept those flaws as a part of who you are. I have wide hips, as wide as an ocean it seems to me, but you know what I see when I look in the mirror? I see hips that once held the most beautiful gift that God blessed me with. They're not called child-bearing hips for no reason! Be kind to yourself. You know the saying treat others how you wish to be treated? Well, pretend that you are one of those "others" and treat yourself right! :) 

Next week, I will be creating a printable that should help with those New Years resolutions, so keep an eye out! 

Some things that I'm wishing for in the New Year:


What are you New Years resolutions? Have you planned out your 2015?


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